Upcoming Events
Bringing Our FAmily together!
Foundation Academy Development is proud to bring unique, fun, and family-oriented events and entertainment to our FAmilies! Foundation Academy believes that a vibrant and participatory culture plays an integral part in its students’ education and continually helps build our family environment.
Be sure to bookmark this page to stay up-to-date on all we offer.
Father & Daughter: Royal Princess Ball | February 24, 2023
The Court of Foundation Academy formally invites you to a Royal Princess Ball. The grand fete will take place at the Castle of the Tilden Campus Gymnasium on the twenty-fourth of February at 6 pm. The honor of your presence is requested.
(Click for additional details & registration)
Mother & Son: Wild West Rodeo | March 3, 2023
Put your boots on and mosey over to the Mother-Son Wild West Hoedown! Saddle up and come in western attire is HIGHLY encouraged! Don’t act like it’s your first rodeo – Cowboys and Cowgirls welcome in their boots, flannel, cowboy hats, and whatever else you can round up.
(Click for additional details & registration)
Legacy Classic Golf Tournament | March 24, 2023
This year’s Legacy Classic Golf Tournament will be held Friday, March 24 at the beautiful Orange County National Golf Center in Winter Garden. Features Hole-in-One Contest, Closest to the Pin, and Longest Drive Contest, and more.
(Click for additional details & registration)
Meet the Team
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